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Current Skin Care Routine

I get a lot of questions regarding how I keep my skin clear. I've always had it pretty clear and hydrated skin, I would consider my skin type combination/normal. this is just what I do. I have very very sensitive skin and little to no acne except for the occasional blemish here or there. As far as skin care goes, I have definitely found that less is more. The more product I put on my face usually the worse I break out. I think the biggest thing that you can do for your skin is to stay hydrated and drink a lot of water.


I use the Tula purifying face cleanser. Tula actually sent me this a while ago and I fell in love. It is gentle enough to use every single day and I find my skin to be very clear when I use it.


Are used toner after my cleanser at night. I spray it onto a cotton ball and apply at focusing on my tea zone. I just use a generic brands, but I would advise you to use one without alcohol in it. It is a much more sensitive on your skin

Moisturizer: depending on how my skin is doing I use moisturizer either once or twice a day. I use the Sephora instant moisturizer.


Toothpaste: when a start to see a zit forming I put a dab of white toothpaste on it before bed. This dries it out and has worked wonders for me.

Touching your skin: I know it's hard but try not to touch your face. The oils from your fingers can clog pores.

Taking off makeup: I take off my make up with cold cream (an ultra moisturizing cream with an oily texture) before I wash my face. I NEVER sleep with makeup on

Hope these tips help !!



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